Disadvantage of Electric car?

Electric cars are expensive to own. If you’ve checked into the price of an electric car, you know they are not “low end”. It’s not so much the price of the car as it is the price of the batteries which they run on.

How so? ICE’s are not low end either. Well it’s either batteries and the cost to charge them or pay the big oil guys mega bucks to not only sell you the energy to move your car but to pollute your home, air, and health. Go electric. Your body will thank you and going electric is not about saving money but about saving our planet. Sure some don’t think that way but that is the underlying premise about going green and electric. If you want cheap then go with a used bicycle. Cheap and easy. Loose weight too.

Pete :slight_smile:

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.



The manufacturing entails many toxic materials and heavy metals - so there is both a manufacturing and a disposal concern with the environment.

The high current needed to propel the vehicle is a very real hazard for rescue workers and first responders to an accident scene.

The vehicles are only pollution free if the electricity source is pollution free.

They’re necessarily built as light and small as possible - and that’s no match for an SUV or even a conventional vehicle in a collision.

There is much research ongoing presently, and a new generation of battery as well as other new technologies may solve some of these concerns.limousine service miami

[QUOTE=Harrison Johnni;7992]Greetings!

The manufacturing entails many toxic materials and heavy metals - so there is both a manufacturing and a disposal concern with the environment.[/QUOTE]

As does all manufacturing of any thing.

The high current needed to propel the vehicle is a very real hazard for rescue workers and first responders to an accident scene.

As is the leaking fuel and the potential for a spark during rescue from a normal gasoline powered car. Rescue workers will just adapt to take measures to prevent problems.

The vehicles are only pollution free if the electricity source is pollution free.

The goal is not pollution free but to drastically reduce the pollution. Electrics will do that. We know about the bogus coal fired electric plant issues. It is far easier and cleaner to control one large exhaust pipe than 200 million of them.

They’re necessarily built as light and small as possible - and that’s no match for an SUV or even a conventional vehicle in a collision.

Actually that is not true. Many conversions are small but they are conventional cars. It is true that many normal cars are no match for the power hungry SUV’s and Trucks every one wants.

There is much research ongoing presently, and a new generation of battery as well as other new technologies may solve some of these concerns.limousine service miami

Well it is all about that darn battery. Manufacturing these will be a concern because of pollution but we will take measures to reduce that .

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle when ever possible. Pass it on. Every little bit helps. That is what we can do.

As the price of fuel is ever increasing and everyone turns their attention to recent advances in electric cars, some questions emerge about the long term viability of the electric car market, and issues with electric vehicles which the consumer should be aware of. How long will the battery last? What is the range of an electric vehicle? What if I get stranded?

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There were some drawbacks though to the EVT 168 - the biggest one being that is, it is a fairly small scooter and turning is hard. Probably the biggest problem is again like the EVT4000e and a lot of the smaller Electric Scooters, when they get to a hill of 14° the top speed is only 10Km/hr and at 14.2° which really won’t cut it where I live. Scooter give low speed & low ability on hills. Battery replecement is very costly.

The first problem is battery because to much long time recharge the battery than limited driving distance. The speed very slow and your increasing your electric bill.Batteries are what vehicles heavy and battery very costly