Grant, are you building and selling these set-ups ? I would love to do this but have not been very successful in a shopping list. I have found the chargery charger with bms but not the cells? My Gem is a 2002 e825 with R4F upgrade motor and super charger
Yes I can build and sell you a complete turn key pack. They are $3500
Grant built mine and it has worked perfectly. He even troubleshooted me till I got everything perfect. As you see in the thread
Tyson: I have to admit is a Above average DIY guy. He was able to take the kit and do some mods and do “Man stuff”
@grantwest will have the bms and charger wired to the battery. All that’s needed is the mechanics. Mounting the pack, and connecting plus and minus battery cables to the new battery.
Here what mine looked like in the end. I think I might have spent under $100 in supplies once I received the batteries and BMS from @grantwest.
Building the tray and securing the Shunt so it was not touching metal was about all I had to do extra. if you read the thread, and skim over the trouble shooting (which in the end I hooked up the neg to the wrong prong). This thread will pretty much tell you how to install