Cars vs Gasoline Cars: Which is better?

[U][B]Electric Cars vs Gasoline Cars: Which is better?

[B][U]What’s an Electric Car?
[/U][/B]The electric car comes in many different forms there’s the hybrid, the plug-in hybrid, and all-electric cars. All of this vehicles are either fully powered by the batteries or by the gasoline engine.
Hybrid vehicle: this type of electric vehicle uses a gasoline or combustion engine to power itself. The battery is powered using regenerative braking. When it’s fully charged, the battery takes over as the main power source.
Plug-in hybrid Vehicle: This vehicle works the same way as the Hybrid. The difference is that the plug-in hybrid can better run on the electric engine for about 10 to 40 miles, depending on the car. The car’s battery can be recharged using an outside source or outlet.
All-Electric Vehicle: This type of vehicle works on 100% electric power. The vehicle can be plugged into any outlets to power the battery. The All-electric vehicle has an average range of 100 miles. The range can be increased or decreased based on driving efficiency and conditions. Some examples are the temperature could affect the amount of power being used. The angle of the road could affect the preforms.
Electric vehicles and gasoline vehicles have different levels of performances. When comparing the two kind of cars the gasoline vehicle performs a lot better. On a full tank of gas, the gasoline car can go up to 300 miles, the range can be different based on the type of car. According to U.S. Department of Energy,
“Currently available EVs have a shorter range per charge than most conventional vehicles have per tank of gas. EV manufacturers typically target a range of 100 miles on a fully charged battery.”
What the U.S. Department of Energy is saying is that the electric vehicle has a short range per charge compared to the range of a full gasoline car. Although the electric vehicle is limited in range it is pretty good in cities, it wouldn’t be very good on country trips because of the battery. It is possible to do a country trip but also kind of risky if an all-electric car was being used. Hybrids are able to do it because of their gasoline engine.
Another weakness the electric car has is the Batteries. According to John Mosier, author The Reality of the Electric Car,” Batteries of are also notoriously susceptible to temperature extremes: at zero degrees centigrade both performance and recharging are significantly affected.”
John Mosier is explaining on of the downsides of the battery technology. The batteries performance isn’t only based on how much power they are able to take in and replace. Other factors play a role in their performances like the temperature. Most electric cars like the ones mad by Tesla have designed around the problem.

[U][B]Environmental Effects
[/B][/U]Both electric cars and gasoline cars release some form of pollution into the air. Most people and companies advertise electric vehicles as zero emission vehicles. The reason people think of them as zero emission is because the car isn’t breaking down and fuel, other than electricity, in order to work but their emission is from the electric company making the electricity the car uses. The amount of pollution caused by electric cars is different depending on how efficient power plants. Although electric cars get their power from power grids they are still able to reduce the carbon footprint of the driver and still have a lower emission than a gasoline vehicle. The electric car is also more energy efficient, the electric motor is able to convert 75% of the energy from the batteries to power the car. While the combustion engine converts about 20% of the energy (Deal III, Walter F).
There are also other benefits to electric vehicles:
• Electric vehicles lower dependence on foreign oil.
• The lower output of greenhouse gasses.
All the pollution does have some effects on the human health. Electric vehicles have the lows impact on human health, then petrol after that its diesel (Nils Hooftman).

In turns of cost, the electric vehicle costs a lot higher a gasoline car. The fact is that electric vehicles are still new and kind of being exposed so their cost is a lot higher. The US government does offer some tax incentive. The incentives can remove $7500 of the price. One of the best all-electric cars on the market is a Tesla model S. it cost around 80,000 dollars. The model S has a range of 200-300 miles on a full charge. The range is about the same for regular gasoline cars. Although the electric car is a lot more expense than gasoline cars but the electricity cost about 65% less than gasoline. So over time as battery technology starts to cost less the electric car would be cheaper.

[/U][/B]Electric vehicles have a lot of advantages and disadvantages but so do gasoline vehicles. Eclectic vehicles come in many different forms. There are the hybrid and the plug-in hybrid cars, they use electric and the combustion engine. Then there’s the all-electric vehicle, it has a motor that’s fully powered by electricity.
Electric vehicles are more environmentally friendly. The electric car gets its power from the town’s electrical system which is more effect the gasoline a regular vehicle uses. The electric vehicle lowers the US dependencies on foreign oil. Gasoline vehicles output at more greenhouse but the fact that they cost a lot less. The fuel cost of an electric car is a lot less than the gasoline in a regular car.
In conclusion, the electric vehicle is an expensive car that doesn’t have the greats range compared to the gasoline vehicle but it’s more environmentally efficient. The fuel cost of the electric car is also better than the gasoline vehicle. It cost about 65% less than the gasoline vehicle.
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Berjoza, Dainis, Inara Jurgena, and Kaspars Vartukapteinis. “Research In Electro And Internal Combustion Engine Motor Vehicle Energy Costs.” Engineering For Rural Development - International Scientific Conference 11.(2012): 331-337. Academic Search Complete. Web. 3 May 2016.

Hooftman, Nils, et al. “Environmental Analysis Of Petrol, Diesel And Electric Passenger Cars In A Belgian Urban Setting.” Energies (19961073) 9.2 (2016): 1-24. Academic Search Complete. Web. 3 May 2016.

Mosier, John. “The Reality Of The Electric Car.” New Orleans Review 35.2 (2009): 187-192. Academic Search Complete. Web. 3 May 2016.

Yasar, Abdullah, et al. “A Comparison Of Engine Emissions From Heavy, Medium, And Light Vehicles For CNG, Diesel, And Gasoline Fuels.” Polish Journal Of Environmental Studies 22.4 (2013): 1277-1281. Academic Search Complete. Web. 3 May 2016.

Deal III, Walter F. “Going Green With Electric Vehicles.” Technology & Engineering Teacher 70.3 (2010): 5-11. Academic Search Complete. Web. 3 May 2016.

GRAHAM, JOHN D., et al. “No Time For Pessimism About Electric Cars.” Issues In Science & Technology 31.1 (2014): 33-40. Academic Search Complete. Web. 3 May 2016.

“Hybrid and Plug-In Electric Vehicles.” Alternative Fuels Data Center:. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 May 2016.

“Model S.” Model S. Tesla Motors, n.d. Web. 03 May 2016.