Can shocks be improved

I have a Standard Poodle that needs to run faster than I can walk. With the window to the hard door down and holding the lead, we can go apprx 11 mph so he can get a good work out. He slows to about 5-6 mph when he gets tired. I know it’s kind of an unusual use for the Gem but it works. My question is can the ride be softened any by using other shocks. Love my 2010 e2.

This is a question often posed by owners of the older version GEMs. Yours is the first relating to later models.

Basically the suspension on a GEM has a relatively short travel.

To accomodate the passenger and cargo weight variation from 1 rider to 4 riders and clubs spring rates are relatively high.

To my knowledge no one has come up with a satisfactory solution. One of our members is looking at a set of air assist shocks from a Honda Gold Wing. They are within 1/4" in length. He hasn’t checked in for the last couple of weeks so I don’t know the status.

The older models (I have one) were less flexible than yours. However we are paved in our area so it’s not a problem for us.

You might consider a couple of sand bags to soften things up.:wink:


I have pondered over putting air bags in my e825. The coil springs are crazy stiff, if I come up with something I will share for sure.

Gwest converted to air shocks, You might want to read his thread. Very interesting. You might consider cutting coils or repositing the retaining collar.

BTW I have nylon replacemen bushings.