Battery mix-up and it's all 48 volts

Can you help I need a wiring diagram for a 1996 GEM 48 Volt car. I mixed up the wiring on the front 2 batterys and they are not wired like the 2000 gems. Dave

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Electric Vehicles

[QUOTE=firefite;11999]Can you help I need a wiring diagram for a 1996 GEM 48 Volt car. I mixed up the wiring on the front 2 batterys and they are not wired like the 2000 gems. Dave[/QUOTE]

Electric Vehicles

Download: 1996 gem electric car manual at Marks Web of Books and Manuals

But my cart has (6) 8volt batterys not (4) 12volt batterys. any on have a drawing for a 1996 Dem car with (6) 8 volt batterys? Please

Dave… sounds like a former owner made a change to the 8 volt batteries… I don’t think that a question like this has come up… can you back track on the owners and ask them? I really think you bave a changed GEM… one last idea is call GEM customer Service… try my favorite parts guy… Lee at Beck Chysler in Fla… he knows GEMs pretty well… 888-239-4392… or maybe Evan or Roger at Nev Assessories 480-753-0684 they deal in pre-2004 cars


[QUOTE=firefite;12017]But my cart has (6) 8volt batterys not (4) 12volt batterys. any on have a drawing for a 1996 Dem car with (6) 8 volt batterys? Please[/QUOTE]