A Conversion In Jacksonville?

Hello everyone. I am very interested in doing an EV conversion, but I feel as if I need to get my feet wet. Therefore, I am more than willing to help someone convert their car or truck. If you or someone you know is lives in the Jacksonville, FL area and is planning or in the process of converting a car or truck, please give me a ring. I am not in a position as of now to convert my own vehicle, which is why I would much prefer helping someone else out instead. Thank you.


I wish you lived near me a couple of months ago. Got my car almost done, good luck it is a process.:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

You could try a smaller project. Maybe an R/C car or a go kart.

Yes, but you cannot drive one to work. And no, I am not interested in an electric bike/ scooter. Thank you for the suggestion.

[QUOTE=porges37mer;376]Yes, but you cannot drive one to work. And no, I am not interested in an electric bike/ scooter. Thank you for the suggestion.[/QUOTE]

but you learn by doing, and what better way than by doing something small with most of the same parts…?