99 gem blows 7.5 fuse to accessory

I have a 99 Gem e825 that has no power to lights, horn, wipers. Drives fine, just won’t hold a fuse. it is the 7.5 on the right lower dash. also has a 10 under it that is fine. Any ideas?

You lost me at “99 gem blows”

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Aww man… [Wipes coffee off of screen again]

A fuse (by nature) will blow when there is a problem downstream. I suggest looking close at your wiring (especially if there is anything extra attached from a creative weekend electrician.

You could go buy a box of fuses and start with everything off and see if the fuse holds when at rest. Then switch on one thing at a time. Toot the horn. If it goes more than twice then move on. Tap the brakes, turn on the lights.
When the fuse blows as you are activating a circuit then it will give you a direction/area to look.

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