Sometimes it is good to check our test instruments. Thanks for humoring me. Not all meters are the same, but also we had a thread a while back that also had voltages all over the place until we check his meter. It turned out the battery in his meter was almost dead.
I brought up that P16 ref just to see if it showed anything different. Inwo says it is the same as B-.
One other Hail Mary suggestion that may not actually lead anywhere- I notice that it seems whenever there is a real stumper like this, taking the motor controller apart sometimes reveals water got in there and was playing corrosion havoc on internal components.
I continue to be stumped by the addition of your programming cable seems to fix things.
I see in one of the pics (39/140) that your 12p plugs into a 9 pin D, then probably goes to your USB cable. Is that still connected?
As long as it’s only used with things referenced to the traction battery and not connected to ground or 12v ground it should be ok.
I believe that it’s used as common to control switches and powers the tach sensor. No idea why as the D2 controller has 12v for that.
Still have not looked at the Think manual.
Converter output should not read 12v to frame or lighting 12v ground. Unless Think does not ground 12v as does Gem.
Blue wires from the BMS (marked B-) go to the Battery pack only.
Black wires from the BMS (marked P-, sometimes C-) go to your car. Everything is connected to this.
Un-related- I have the Delta q that came out ot this car. Looks great, it was non programmable so I replaced it with a programmable one. What is this thing worth? What is a good asking price?
This is all I can manage to do with the Sentry Software whether I am using the USB plug from INWO or the data port plug from Forklift electronics. I have to go into the device manager to find the com port and manually set the com port in the GE Sentry software. If I try the auto detect it just tells me no device detected.
I should mention that both of the controllers I have her, have both responded exactly the same way to this serial device. Without it-Nothing, With it the contactor pulls in and the car works.
Send a controller to me so I can see if communication is working. Or to fsip for repair.
You did try sentry with the serial device connected to data port?
A slight possibility that D2 is similar to T1 controller in that it does not have rs-232 available.
It uses the 12p data port like the T2.