Double check this 5A fuse
I swear once I’ve checked it with a multimeter and beeped like it was ok.
I’m sorry I haven’t taken the time to read the entire thread but the first thing I would check is if your car is not starting is the 12 V battery that is under your dash. If that battery is low you you wi get NOTHING.
Yes I even changed it with a new one. Even checked fuses by the controller. Really hoping the controller isn’t bad
Yes aux battery showing > 12 V and pack voltage at 51
How about the Main contact. It has 2 wires on it that come off real easy. They can slide off but look like they are still on the contactor check them. They are the small thin wires that slide onto the 12v trigger and ground
Sorry. Are you referring to the blue and brown wire on the positive and negative terminal? Yes those are connected too but I can try removing and re connecting them
At this point car is not even booting. Afaik.
Not when charging either. Need to scroll back to be sure. Not all questions get answered.
If true need to check regulated 12v from bmc which powers vcm.
Book says p10 and p12 of bmc are 12v in and out.
Both may be red/green.
After alot of problem solving the issue ended up being someone blew the fuse when inputting tracking device. Thank you all for your help!
Ah! good news! Glad to hear it was a simple/cheap solution, altho it was a bit of a difficult path to get there!
It Happens, glad it’s working
Novice here…
How do you check for a blown fuse?
If you have a good eye you’ll see that the filament is broken,
If you have a multimeter check continuity or
Napa or auto parts have a Fuse checker
Typically, they look kind of euphoric.