2017 Gem CAN DBC

Does anyone have or know where to find any Gem CAN DBC files?

I have a bmc that doesn’t work properly and want to dig into what it’s putting out on CAN. But also want to get into the CAN network to add some control logic.

Even if you only have some reverse engineered knowledge to share, or have links to partial databases, anything will help! I’m going to start compiling everything I find or reverse engineer and will post it here so others can use and contribute : https://github.com/fdziwuls/Polaris_GEM_CAN

New style Sevcon Gems?
I have the can dongle for Sevcon. Have not had time to connect yet.

Is this the configuration dongle? Does it also read data from the motor controller?

Yes, it reads and writes to motor controller.
IXXAT USB-to-CAN V2 interface and one Sevcon DVT software license