2014 Gem

How would they work with my current bms? Set them on the terminals and let them do their thing?

Exactly. Easy peasy.
I just looked them up. 4 pack retails for $125.
Iā€™ll sell a few on here for $2 per cell.

Until (if) they started selling on ebay.

Turn bms balance off. Use it as monitor only. Imo

Send me 28! Iā€™ll paypal you in the morning. They fit across the terminals? No modding necessary?

Made for a different brand battery. Let me see which ones can be made to fit easily. Worse case a wire and terminal on one end.

Excellent. Iā€™m heading to bed, no rush, just love the idea of self balancing. Itā€™s peace of mind.

This may be the one you want.

Punch or notch the boards to fit.
Cut the daisy chain if you want or add the Elite bms board later for reading data.
I have a few for $100 each.

I like yours for $2/piece much better!

No worry, I just listed those.
$2 is fine. :slight_smile:

So $56 for 28pcs, how much to ship? Ill send it over now while Im still at my desk.

A medium fr box is about $15

Funds sentā€¦thanks for making me spend more money!!! :wink:

Send them back if you like.
Iā€™m not sure how to mount them. They will fit width wise, but I think you need to use a second nut. The pcb material may be too spongy to torque properly.
Maybe solder a wire or terminal to them that fits battery posts.
Let me try one here.

Iā€™m thinking about making a whip, something like thisā€¦
image https://www.batteryspace.com/images/products/detail/5770.png

But Iā€™ll figure it out.

Good, I forgot how handy you were.
I did the double nut idea.

Piece of cake, they may even sit on top of the braided bars (canā€™t remember what you call them) with a washer then a nuts. Iā€™ll make them work.

Thatā€™s what I was thinking. Leave what you have and add these on top of the nut.
These only carry 500ma.
I really like them. Simplest is to cut the data leads off, but canā€™t bring myself to do it. :slight_smile:

What type of coating is on them? If it comes off easily enough Iā€™ll neatly unsolder them.

So I am setting my charger to 3.6v, 20amps, 10% and let it goā€¦awesome.

Bms charge eq off, high voltage cutoff/alarm at 3.65v so it doesnā€™t trip the charger. With the .5amp draw of the board it shouldnā€™t ever get above 3.6v

Sound about right?

Dave or Don . I have 3 Ford THinks, i want to do the same thing. Can you possibly text or email me, crglinski@gmail.com, 8032109972 iā€™m in Chapin South Carolina.