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My guess would be the wires were reversed at the turn signal lights on the fenders. Should be total of 4 wires, (ground), running lights, left and right turn signals. Left and right are reversed.

Best bet here would be to post any question in the GEM forum rather than introductions.

OK, Reddevil, Thanks for the feedback. I’m in Elllenton, FLa. and new to this electric car stuff. tks.

Turning on the left turn signal enables both front and rear lights to light on t;he right.

Hope this message finds you well! I’m rebuilding a 2001 E4 so glad you guys are able to answer alot of questions before I get to them.
Thank you in advance for everyone’s help lol

Thank you for the invaluable information. I have a 2002 Ford Think Neighbor and it’s been sitting for about two weeks and now everything is dead. I get “0” indication on the instrument panel.
I just installed new batteries about a month ago and tried charging them. The charger is very noisy and I’m not sure if it’s working. Where can I check the charger output?

16 posts were split to a new topic: Continued from welcome thread

Hello friends of this forum. I write from Spain (ANDALUCIA) and I have a repair shop. I am recently repairing a ZIVAN Battery charger and I look forward to your help. Greetings and grateful to be here