Using stock 2018 dash with updated controller

No reflash for me. Just made the TPDO changes and messed with the ratios until the speed was accurate. Every once and a while it will jump around or go to zero but usually comes back. Cycling the power fixes too. It’s good enough for me.

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I was thinking the navitas kit with AC motor might be a good option for the Thinks. There’s not much room for much more than a 5kw motor.

Ok… I’ll stop with the tangents. Sorry badbrad

But my answer was in the 2016+ thread

Yeah…I wouldn’t do that. Probably not in any GEM

Ok cool I have bad memory sorry. Yeah the reflash will solve the “jumps”

Time to go prv, @Inwo ?

Yes, facetime on “How to solder 101”


:slight_smile: solder was good wires broke off. They need better protection in this environment.

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Do you remember if the can hi and low from the sevcon was connected to the car or do you think that was skipped because it didn’t do anything?

It needs to be connected.

I believe the CAN connections for the car wiring is connected to the Sevcon CAN configuration and service port, and my hot wired plug in the cab is connected to the Sevcon CAN connection to other devices. Will this work or do they need to be swapped?

Yes, that works. I found that can through service port competes with Gem VCM, so direct port was added to change dld and such.

So where do I go from here? I believe everything is connected like it should be.

Is there a way to get the stock odometer to work? Stock Speedometer works.

Not that I’m aware. @djgabriel2004 may know more.