Samsung pack always charging

The charger SOC says 99 for many hours
Opening up the bms app charging 0.02a the high & low cells are within limits
Unplug for a day, plug in charge finishes

I haven’t changed any of the settings on the BMS after my initial install
I never did install the spoof
This is my understanding of the settings involved
Without Spoof
ovp to 3.9v
ovpr to 3.85
With Spoof
ovp to 4.05
ovpr to 4.0

I think you may be confused as to what the spoof actually does.

Don’t go to church based on that SOC number. It is a calculation. You really should be looking at voltage. This is what the charger is doing.

What charger are you using?

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Thanks for the reply
Yellow stock charger
I understand the approximate nature of SOC reading.
The charger is charging according to the dash & BMS
If I unplug & plug right back in after a couple of minutes, remains 99 charging forever
Unplugged overnight 98 charging finishes
I noticed the always charge [AC] some months ago after longer trips of 20 miles
Every trip now
I drive 3-5 days a week, if I pass by the GEM & see it AC, I unplug, no big
Just trying to keep up with any potential issues

I included the information about the spoof, as it was the only parameter I changed…

The spoof tricks the controller into thinking that the battery voltage is slightly lower to wring the last bit of performance out of the system
I don’t really need the minor increase in range enough to bother :smiley:

No, The charger will do what it is set to do. It can be fudged a bit with the addition of the “Charger Spoof” aka “tweaker” (just to call it something else), but the charger does not take influence from the SOC dash display -nor- the BMS.

The spoof tricks the controller into thinking that the battery voltage is slightly lower to wring the last bit of performance out of the system

Yes and No - The Controller Spoof is added to the Motor Controller and allows it to operate up in the higher voltages that this battery produces. It has nothing to do with the numbers you changed in the BMS app.

The primary role of the BMS is to be a watchdog in case something else upstream goes too far out of spec. You should NOT be going in and adjusting the numbers without knowing what those numbers do.

===== Back to your original query =======

If I unplug & plug right back in after a couple of minutes, remains 99 charging forever
Unplugged overnight 98 charging finishes

When are you actually observing when you see the 98 and 99?

  • Dash Pod display?
  • App display?

These numbers really do not mean much to anyone here.
Much more accurate info would be to list cellV numbers, total packV, or even show a screenshot of your app Status page.

You also stated above-

The charger SOC says 99 for many hours
Opening up the bms app charging 0.02a

What is the Charger Status Panel showing at this time?

2013 e2
SOC shows 99, bar graph counting up every few seconds normal charging routine
Screen goes off when complete charging cycle

Dog sitting I’ll check the bms later

I kept checking
Charger shows complete
Bms show no current draw

One time out of 10 I saw 0.02 amp charging on the BMS, [[no camera, no picture]
Here’s settings

Charge screen

Once I noticed that the charger was finished & not charging nearly every time, my interest waned :smiley:
I can’t remember the exact circumstances of the time BMS showed 0.02a charging & hadn’t checked the charger, so throw that one out as an outlier

I suppose adjusting the SOC would “fix” the dash sticking at 99
Any way thought I would tie up loose ends

What do you mean Dash is “sticking”? The number will not go higher?, or it never goes lower?

What do you think it should show you? (I think your OCD is getting the better of you)
I don’t think the dash display is a 3 segment display, so that is the max it would ever show. If it rolled over to 00 I think it would freak everyone out thinking their battery is dead. If the code guys were to do anything next, I suppose they could do something else with two 7 segment characters. It could switch to FU, Indicating “Full”. I doubt that would ever get past the marketing weenies as it might offend sensitive drivers every time they KeyON.

That Dash display is only a best guess anyway. You should be looking at Cell Voltage if you really need to get a picture of where your cells are.

If that last screen pic is right after a charge cycle (to green light) your batteries are not even close to 100%. Did you ever go back and install the Charger Tweak Module?

Remember this table? Your cell V (being 3.78) at the time this pic was taken are ACTUALLY only charging to ~63%.

The display will show blank screen no numbers,
Cord & direction indicators, bar graph lit when it’s finished charging,
It will sometimes show 99, the point of the thread

Charger lights show charge complete either way

If by “charger tweak module” you mean what was described as a “spoof” when
I bought the samsung pack, no never did, is there something else?

There was the whole issue of me being too lazy to crack open the 10 year old dash & root around in the wiring. My experience is the older the connectors, wiring & mounts, the more fragile they are.

Didn’t see the point of fully charging the batteries, to wring a bit of mileage, shortening the life of the pack & controller,
Hot rods break more

I changed a couple of parameters from as delivered as directed so the controller error I got with a charged battery wouldn’t reoccur…

With Spoof [as delivered]
ovp to 4.05
ovpr to 4.0

Without Spoof
ovp to 3.9v
ovpr to 3.85

Never really tried to see what max range is
Been to 28 miles a couple of times

I was interested in trading in for a larger pack, but I never got answers to my questions from Scott, so I lost interest…
My questions are:
Dimensions & Cost

I was interested in trading in for a larger pack,

It doesn’t sound like you need more range.
Carry on with what you have.