Hello all,
Myself and some other engineering students have created Portland State University’s first formula electric race car. It uses an AC system, 200V of Lithium NMC cells, a Remy HVH250 motor (from a Chevy Tahoe hybrid) and a Rinehart Motion Systems PM100DX generation 2 motor controller. We’re still testing and validating it, but it drives and we’ve got a track day to see how much torque we can shove through those slicks into the pavement. The motor is capable of up to 400 Nm of torque, and is designed for a much higher voltage, but looking at probably 45 kW peak power (~60 hp) if I remember correctly.
It is designed for autocross racing, the average speed is only 30 mph, it is electronically limited to 3000 rpm.
Viking Motorsports - Portland State University