New smart EV


I am leasing a smart electric coupe. I have been driving Prii for years (we have 3 of them now) and we have over 200,000 hybrid miles between us (me, my wife, and daughter), including a cross country drive by me in 2008.

But a pure electric is new to me. I went with the smart because, frankly, the lease is so inexpensive that I thought it was a good way to explore the technology. Also, since the range of any pure plug in is limited, this can not be our only car given where and how we live and travel, and thus there is no need for it to be a full sized car.

I am joining this forum because I have questions beyond the dealers’ expertise, and have found Internet forums to be a good source of information (er, well, and sometimes misinformation) for newbies in on any subject.