New Evforum colors

We have wanted to update our forum colors for a while with a new logo and new forum look and feel for the greener look. We are not done with the new logo. Although the site is still a work in progress. I hope you all like the new colors. If you have any comments please let us know. We would love to hear your opinions

ev forum

I think the new color scheme is looking good! definately an improvement over standard VB Blue lol

I like the new colors.

Did the width of the page change? I have to scroll right to read all of the text. Normally that only happens when a large picture is posted. Can I change settings to prevent the scrolling?

[QUOTE=Tinodesis;1071]I like the new colors.

Did the width of the page change? I have to scroll right to read all of the text. Normally that only happens when a large picture is posted. Can I change settings to prevent the scrolling?[/QUOTE]

thats normally personal optinos the width is the same.

Nice colors. It’s a minty fresh site!
+1 on it being better than the standard Vb blue.

It’s a good sign that a forum like this has gone green :smiley: