McGuinty's 10,000$ Announcement

Premier Dalton McGuinty just announced a 10,000$ tax rebate for the purchase of an electric car starting in July 2010.

[B]New York Times:[/B]
New Incentives for Electric Cars in Canada - Green Inc. Blog -

How does the LiFeBATT Voltage Monitoring System (VMS) implement Low Voltage Protection (LVP) for its companion battery cell module when there is not enough capacity from the combined cells to continue providing sufficient power to a load?
What are the benefits of Lithium-Iron-Phosphate (LiFePO4) chemistry for temperature stability compared to other Li-family battery chemistries (LiCoO2, LiMn, etc.)?

[QUOTE=blogradio;9589]How does the LiFeBATT Voltage Monitoring System (VMS) implement Low Voltage Protection (LVP) for its companion battery cell module when there is not enough capacity from the combined cells to continue providing sufficient power to a load?
What are the benefits of Lithium-Iron-Phosphate (LiFePO4) chemistry for temperature stability compared to other Li-family battery chemistries (LiCoO2, LiMn, etc.)?
I suggest asking LiFeBatt about their own Electronics - as the best one to understand them.

As to LiFePO4 - even it can be made to catch fire with overcharging, extreme abuse - crushing the A12326650M1 cell with a Front End Loader Bucket Sharp edge on the pavement, but a dead short, and a 45 caliber bullet through the ThunderSky Cells seems to just kill the cell, rather than the tester! (Based on my YouTube observations!)

Are you planning on putting Cells in a Kitchen oven set to Broil while Over Charging them with too much voltage and too much Amperage? Might want to increase both your distance, and your insurance coverage!

Beyond that - most cells should not be experiencing temps above 40 Celsius, and lower than 30 Celsius Below Zero, for best use, and if you can - try not to drain them below a lowest cell voltage of 2.8 Volts, might be a good thing, too - anyway - only 1-2% of the energy between that level and 2.0V!

check out ‘evtv dot me’ for some interesting long form video on such things!

Generally - Cells are spec’d out at 25C - living room temps in a nice house! go to minus 20 - at the cell itself, and you are likely to loos about 20% - 30% of the energy. Try that with a Lead Acid and you are down about 47% of the Power and Energy! Lead Acid Batteries have been known to explode on Fast Charging too - so safety is relative!

Charge most LiFePO4 at 0.3C and you won’t have much of an issue, but charging at 3C and you might want very good thermal management! Particularly with some flavors or brands. A123 - not so much, and Headway - Cells seem to be able to charge at 5C OK - per their specs at evassemble dot com

By the way - MCGuinty - dropped his $10,000 bonus to a $8,500 bonus for New EV’s!