Just got our 2007 E4- never driven or owned one

Just moved to an area where we can drive a GEM to almost all of our daily errands. I don’t see this being a daily driver but we are really looking forward to using it.

The batteries that came are completely dead. They are gem gel batteries and sat dead for over a year.

I’ve been reading these threads non stop for the last 48 hrs and I’m overwhelmed. Had no idea how much maintenance any of these batteries require.

It seems the easiest battery would be to purchase new deka gel batteries and basically plug and play.

Obviously there is other options… in all of your expert opinions what would recommend for newbies with no mechanical experience? The lithium option and cellpack batteries that someone on here makes seem awesome and we’re not opposed to trying something new that wouldn’t require a whole lot of afterthought after install.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

Also, where can I find an entire back end ( I was searching for rear bumper) but there two colored pieces (one on front and one on back) our rear one, is cracked in a few places and we’d like to replace it.
Help? What’s this called?

Karabeck Karts in Wildwood Florida.