Info seminar for current and prospective Volt owners in Central Virginia

If you live in central Virgina, come to an informational seminar on the Volt on March 25. Walt Roberts, sales consultant at Haley Chevrolet and EV advocate, will answer your questions if you are thinking of buying one. In addition, current Volt owners are invited to share their experiences and find out more about what’s new about the 2016 model.

Admission is free, but registration is required. A maximum of 20 people can attend this event.

More details and online registration are available on Eventbrite. Just search for “Nuts and Bolts - Informational Seminar.”

Unless you are willing to engage in chat with other members without pushing your own business all of the time please refrain from posting your advertising text on the forum. We are more than happy to help corporate entities but in exchange we expect you to give something back to other members.

I will let you think about that for a couple of days.

Sorry that my post raised a red flag. This is the first time I have posted on your forum, so I was not aware that I needed to respond to other messages first before I did one of my own.

To clarify, I am not advertising a business. My group, Drive Electric RVA, is about promoting EVs as a fun and practical transportation alternative. We have partnered with a local Chevy dealer to hold a free seminar for people interested in learning about the Volt. The purpose of the event is to educate folks, as well as support dealers who are knowledgable about EVs and willing to sell them along with their other offerings. I edited the post to make this point clearer.

Also, I may have posted in the wrong part of the forum. There was no place to post about events, so I assumed that the off topic section would be appropriate. If that is not the case, let me know.