Hope you Dems are happy

Hey, if you have an IRA or 401(k) it is currently at risk. The Democrats are investigating confiscating IRAs and 401(k) accounts. If you don’t want to lose this money, then I highly recommend that you write your Congressmen and complain about this. We don’t want this to happen folks. The big problem here is the government sees a trillion dollars sitting around doing nothing and they want to get their hands into it to help fund social programs, and I’d just as soon keep the money I worked hard for and I put into my account to help fund my own retirement. And, if the money lasts longer than I do, I’d rather my own kids benefit from it. It isn’t going to be much either way.

I don’t know why they want our IRA’s and 401K’s. They have enough trouble mis-managing the money they have already. I think they will just inflate the dollar and that will steal our measly pensions in a different way.

I don’t think this could pass anyway.

[QUOTE=Telco;5328]Hey, if you have an IRA or 401(k) it is currently at risk. The Democrats are investigating confiscating IRAs and 401(k) accounts. If you don’t want to lose this money, then I highly recommend that you write your Congressmen and complain about this. We don’t want this to happen folks. The big problem here is the government sees a trillion dollars sitting around doing nothing and they want to get their hands into it to help fund social programs, and I’d just as soon keep the money I worked hard for and I put into my account to help fund my own retirement. And, if the money lasts longer than I do, I’d rather my own kids benefit from it. It isn’t going to be much either way.[/QUOTE]

:flypig: yes maybe and hope this can be ture.
what you said as a matter of fact,it is .

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Thanks for this information man.