Half charge immediately to turtle mode

Red flash on the tri-color LED on the instrument pod + audible alarm = battery voltage out of range. Cause most likely what @AssyRequired suspects. As stated, charge each battery individually, then run charge cycle with Zivan to equalize the pack.

I recharged the batteries some (from 5 up to 12 volts). A couple were too low so the flashing red light continued. I charged the lowest voltage ones a bit more >8V and it worked. Plugged in and the Zivan charger kicked on. I got 100% and tooled around fine.

Question: These batteries dropped to below 2-4Volt in just 40 days of sitting. I suspect that is normal but from now on…is it OK to keep it plugged into the ZiVAN charger? I put it on a timer for now out of concern (set to charge 9 hours day instead of continual). Maybe these charger trickle charge, or just sense low voltage and kick back on?


Not normal.
Batteries are bad or soon will be if not balanced.
All batteries need to be fully charged before charging in series.
At this point voltage will not represent soc.

I don’t see if you ever answered how you left the cart.
Did you shut off the main breaker when you left it for two mos?

Study your pack and how it is wired. Does it have any stray wires going to any other terminals tapping off a battery or two? (especially the ones that were drained)

A 6-cell FLA run down to 5v and left is done. It’ll never be the same. If it works at all. Those plates are sulfated all to hell. You can try a recovery charger that will high frequency pulse it to crack the coating. 50% of the time, it works all the time.