GEM won't go over 29 mph

I wish…

Wireless Digital DC Voltmeter Ammeter Power Meter Capacity 0 120V 200A Shunt | eBay


Better start a new thread…

Wireless power meter


Tested the MM with Tach this morning, still 29 mph reading half scale, tach registering 4455 rpm with RR setting at 103. At 25 mph tach is reading 3700 RPM. Brother in law has a big smile again being able to go 20 mph with his new MM.

PS Only hills I have here are drainage ditches, and they are steep enough! LOL.


Remind me what I sent you. :confused:

One of the MMs was a 20% model.

Just for fun. Try that on yours.
And see what the tach says on the golf cart. That might not be easy. Didn’t send enough wire for rear wheel drive.

Just to compare. I can get to 6,000 rpms with stock settings and MM.

I’ll have news on the returned MM shortly!

Both of the returned MMs are working perfectly. So far!
I’ll leave it connected a while on my truck.

So, don’t be surprised if there are issues. May be a compatibility problem with golf cart. What controller?

You sent me a 1/2 scale which is on my brother in laws Club Car, a 1/2 scale with tach and a 20%. Going to make some controller changes with RR from 103 to 117 and #4 decrease to 200/175 and see what happens.

The golf cart is a Club Car with early GE IQ motor. It would cut in and out like someone was turning a light switch on and off.

I know just what you mean.
It might be that the tach power supply can’t handle the MM demands.

Being right on the hairy edge of working.
There are several versions of MM, simpler ones draw less power. Let’s hope that’s it. Time will tell.

To be honest, I like the 20%. Speedometer is about 5mph off and doesn’t spoof the controller as much.

The 1/2 with tach was the only tach model that was ready to go. That’s why the extra.

Now you can just watch for rpm improvement rather than GPS.
If you get more rpms it absolutely means more speed.
It may show small gains readily.

Have you tried lower armature current?
See my Tomberlin thread.

Huge difference in performance with lower current.:confused:

Not much difference, seems to run best the way it’s currently set up, so going to keep it like that.