Gem Volt Lithium 24s 8kwh test run

At long last enough snow is melted to go for a ride.
10 Miles rolling hills.
25mph stock programming.
150 wh per mile. compared to 48v Tomberlin 250wh per mile.
I used 1.5kwh in 10 miles steady easy driving 1/4 throttle

Theoretical miles on my Volt X 2 pack 90ah is 50 miles.
Poor driving habits may cut this in half.

My normal driving stop and go hills was only 15 miles max. with 4kwh
Combination of steady driving, no big hills, little plugging must near double mileage.

Only picture right now, is one I took to show parallel connections for someone.
To outer dusty ones are the 4kwh from last year. Middle ones added to double capacity.