OK- Next task is to check the red wire down at that switch.
It should have 12v (ref ChassGnd/frame). If not- Check Fuse 10
You fixed it,I found that fuse was blown. Thank you so much for all the help. Anywhere I can donate?
What about the brake light on the dash?
If it is still lit up, then check/top off your brake fluid.
Depending on how low it is, you might check your wheels to see if they are showing signs of leaking.
Yes, the light is out on the dash as it should be. Question, I need a new seatbelt for driver’s side.
And Dave’s still not here, man.
Guess what,it’s back. Vehicle doesn’t run,and has 15 fault code. Any ideas
What is back? The light?
-15 is Battery low.
Get you meter out and find out what it is looking at. When was the last time you charged the car?
If your Brake light is on again, go through the checks again and see if it is a fluid low(which does not keep the car from moving), or an actual Hand Brake Loop issue.
Ok,I will check this in a lil while
In case you needed a refresher. Pulled down from post 3.
Good morning, the vehicle showed about 40% charged but threw a code. I charged it,and all is well again. Sorry about that
The SOC indicator (battery bars thingy) and the KeyON test that triggers the -15, are two separate systems. The fact that they are not agreeing is a concern.
It sounds like a battery may be going bad, in need of a balancing cycle, Need water checked(depending on what battery type), improper batteries were installed, not being charged fully, or they might be old and worn out.
When was the last time a full battery check done on this car?