EZGO 2Five Weird sound and suspension maintenance

Hi Everyone,

I have a 2018 EZGO 2Five and after i had it washed by a detailer who was detailing my wifes car it started making this weird whiney noise. I suspect it’s the motor because it usually comes on at higher speeds but when i showed it to the mechanic of course it stopped making the noise.

The mechanic was in the neighborhood during a sale demonstration and the cart made the sound all the way to the area he was at but once he got on the back of the cart it went away. The gentleman is 300+ lbs and i wonder if it was suspension related since it went away and only returned the next day. It was quite unfortunate when i couldn’t repeat the sound.

Any advice or any detailed instructions on how i can grease the suspension?
Is there a way to connect to the ezgo to get error codes?

Thanks in advance.