EZGO 2Five

Just wondering why no activity here for the E-Z-GO 2Five? I know there are a lot of them on the market. If you have one or any other E-Z-GO Vehicle with problems, I may can help.

Welcome to the forum ezgoman62 and many thanks for your comment.

I will make E-Z-GO owners aware of your expertise via our the search engines/social media channels and direct them to this area of the forum.



I’ve wondered the same thing. I bought a 2five for my parents to use. They are great little vehicles.

I do have a problem if you can help. The wiper motor burnt out and also melted the little 6 fuse holder under the seat. I have replaced both parts and I have discovered why it burnt out. The new motor seems sluggish. It won’t even drag the wiper over the windshield if its dry. Even when its wet it will barely run. It acts like its not getting enough amps. I was wondering if the wiring is too small. Any ideas?

Try running a ground wire directly from the battery negative to the motor.

If they use same ground?

I wired the motor straight to a 12v battery and it ran great. I then found a plug in the motor wiring harness behind an access cover in the dash that is burnt. I’m sure that’s the problem but had to quit for the day to get ready for work. As far as the ground goes, the 12v ground and the 48v ground do not appear to be the same.

That was my worry.

Then go direct to the 12 volt ground out of the converter.

Do you have any bag holder suggestions?? We have a 4 passenger 2five (just bought) and u bar is obstructive and tight fit for tour size bags. Also need help finding an enclosure that’ll fit a 2five. EZGO has one but its $$$$ to the tune of $1,500

Trying to find out what the error code 25104 means on a 2013 LSV 2five ezgo golf cart means

My 17 2five the speakers won’t connect. I’ve literally found it once in my Bluetooth options, selected it and it disappeared. Tried it with my daughters phone and the exact same thing happened