Error code 82 - Maddening

Need some help here from the forum. I’m at my wits end with error 82 that I continue to receive when pressing the accelerator on a 2007 e6.

I have replaced the speed sensor (was initially getting error 81) and the motor magnet with OEM parts. I’ve cleaned and verified all connections from the controller to the 5hp motor are tight including those to/from the throttle. I’ve also ensured the flooded acid Trojan batteries are balanced, good, and charged.

Any ideas on next steps to evaluate? I haven’t tested the throttle yet, should I? Could it also be the brushes in the motor as the car previously sat unused for approx a yr before I bought it to rehab. At this stage with all the time spent, I’m easily a new motor in on time/energy and replacement parts invested.

Any direction, suggestions for next steps or guidance is appreciated as I’m over here pulling my hair out - or at least what is left of it!

Cleaning the brushes is always a good idea.
Bad switches can give random errors. @grantwest

Grant has a throttle test set-up to test the throttle if it’s not on the way back to me.

Could you please tell us what is happing when u get -82 example please tell us what your doing when this happens. Example your driving down the road minding your own business and then ( insert some random occurance)

A quick search brought up this thread.

82 is usually tachometer sensor. check wiring from motor all the way back to controller. Remove 23 pin plug and spray with contact cleaner. What year cart?

In a message dated 9/21/2019 12:17:49 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

It’s a 2007. I get the error as soon as I hit the throttle in either low or high. There is a bit of lag and the car sputters a bit, I let off the throttle then reapply pressure and it then moves forward and 82 is displayed.