Driving max time

Hello sir, thank you very much for your continuous assistance. I will carry out your instructions tomorrow and will report
Back with I noticed.

Much appreciated

Hello sir, I have implemented your instructions except one part which I need to know how to do it. Firstly, the green blinking light of the onboard charger started blinking after around 6 hours of charging and at that stage I took a reading for the batteries

13.98 ( the newly replaced battery)
14.19 ( battery 6 )

After 20 mins of starting the green blinking light I took another reading which was as follows :

14.46 ( the newly replaced battery)
13.82 ( battery 6 )

Due to the high charge of ( 15.18) I unplugged the charger to prevent overcharge. ( I understood that when the green light started blinking that the. Arteries are fully charged but I might be wrong and you are the expert)

For your information and as I explained before, if I keep charging with the green blinking light on I will end up with the red 2 blinking light and the volt will go up to 16V and that’s why I unplugged the charger. This is very much disturbing as I must be in front the car to monitor the Volt when the green light starts blinking to unplug the charger. What can I do pls??

Secondly: I brought another meter and it has given me the same reading of the volt.

Secondly, regarding the sensor, I opened the orange clip one ( at the right side in the pic) and couldn’t open the red one as it seems one piece and can’t be opened ( as per the photo ). How to test it? With the red positive wire of the meter? Or I should use both negative and positive? Pls explain.

Hello sir, how are you? Hope all well with you. I just want to brief you on the status of the batteries charging issue. If you remember, I have reported to you some different readings for the batteries after charging ( till the top red lamp of the onboard charger blinks twice). One of the readings reported was over 16V. This reading was taken (during the end of charging period) but, I monitored what’s happening and found that, once the red lamp of the onboard charger started to blink, the dash display switched off and the charging also stopped. Immediately I took a reading for the batteries volt and found them all around 13.5V ( and not 16+V which given a minute ago during charging). I understood that as you informed me earlier that the red lamp blinking twice at the end of the charging cycle is normal and that the temperature sensor works fine. The issue now is that the solid green lamp of the onboard charger is not there anymore and just the red blinking twice lamp is instead. I have another problem occurred since 3 days, when I plug the car in for charging, the house electricity panel switch off immediately! I tried different sockets but with same result. How to solve this problem pls as I can’t charge it? Many thanks for your help and have a lovely day

Put in new batteries and use correct charge profile. IMHO

Hello and thanks for your email. Pls note that the batteries are 3 months old and working fine. Also the charging is ok as I can drive 25 miles with full charge. I washed the car yesterday so I think maybe some water reached the wires of the motor? Do I need to leave it dry in the sun for 1 or 2 days? Thank you

I understood that as you informed me earlier that the red lamp blinking twice at the end of the charging cycle is normal
the solid green lamp of the onboard charger is not there anymore and just the red blinking twice lamp is instead

You somehow interpreted this info exactly backwards. Red is BAD. Green is GOOD. The charger has detected an error and is shutting itself down.

If you measure your battery voltage at 16+V when charging then your Charger is malfunctioning and needs to be serviced or replaced. It is packing too much power into your batteries and will destroy all of them.

I have another problem occurred since 3 days, when I plug the car in for charging, the house electricity panel switch off immediately!

Next time it would help GREATLY if you include ANY EVENT that occurs right before a problem. Like this:

I washed the car yesterday

But your timeline is confusing. Was this charging issue happening before the car wash?

Start by drying out the charge connection where you plug in your mains. Make sure your cord is dry.

Hello sir, let me pls clarify the issue of the batteries charging to take the correct step. I have monitored closely the last 1 hour of the charging cycle ( after 7 hours charging nearly). The green lamp was blinking for around one hour and right before the red lamp blinks twice which happens after approximately 1 hour of the green lamp blinking, I took a reading of the batteries which showed 16+V and when the the red lamp started blinking twice, yes it switched the display off and I immediately took a reading for the batteries which I expected to be same as a minute before reeding taken, but I found them around 13.5V!!! I understood that the reading during charging is not correct and the right reading appeared Right after the charging stopped. Pls explain the 2 readings variance during one minute ( while charging and right after the charging stopped??

Regarding washing the car and the link with the charging issue, no sir, the charging issue has been there for 2 months. If you remember, I used to have a complete charge cycle by having a green solid lamp at the end , but I changed the bad battery if you recall, I started having the red lamp
Blinking. I will make sure the cord and all plugs are dry the car has been in the sun for 6 hours now to make sure everything is dry then I will try to charge it and report the result. Pls let me know if any instructions needs to be implemented as well. Many thanks for your continuous support.

to the Roberta Flack song tune:
Killing them slowly with that charge,
killing them slowly with that charge,
Telling the whole list nothings wrong…

jokingly of course.

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I am so sorry for my bad English language, I am trying my best to make myself clear so that you can help me solving the issues I face. I didn’t understand the sentence ( telling the whole List nothing wrong …) pls explain. Kind regards

Seeing 16.xV on any lead battery is BAD even if when the charger is removed the battery voltage drops to 13.5V.

14.5V is probably the most you’d ever want to see on a lead battery and that voltage is usually only that high for what’s called the balance charge cycle.

Something is wrong.

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In review the last few entries and understand your Red Light issue has been happening for a while. At that time you were warned this was not a good condition to be introducing to your batteries.

Until you solve your High Charge issue you need to closely monitor your charge cycle and stop your charging near the end of the cycle.

Back in Sept I wanted you to check the resistance of your Batt Temp sensor. You replied that you could not get one connector apart and you stopped. I encourage you to try again.

You were also tracking your separate battery voltages. At that time your voltages are all over the place. After 2 months we should probably do another check.

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Thank you, understood. Is lead battery similar to gel battery? I have gel battery. Thank you again

Thank you For the insights and instructions. 1) I will monitor the charging until the volt reaches 14.5 then unplug the charger. 2) I will check the sensor as well. 3) I will take readings for the 6 batteries separately at various stages and report the figures. But still I can’t charge it because the house Electrucity switches off when si plug the car. Maybe needs more time to dry? Best regards

Is lead battery similar to gel battery? I have gel battery.

Yes, they are of the same class but Gel batteries have different charge requirements.

Be aware that your batteries are NOT Gel. They are SLA (Sealed Lead Acid) or AGM batteries. Still considered a Wet cell battery but built better and non-spillable.

Thank you so much for the clarification. By the way, the cart became dry and I managed to charge it. I am also monitoring the charging manually in order not to exceed the 14.5V until I check the sensor’s temperature which you instructed to do earlier. But pls note that the reading of the reading of the charging drops 3v ( once )I unplug the charging. Kind regards

not to exceed the 14.5V
the reading of the charging drops 3v ( once )I unplug the charging

So you are saying you monitor the voltage and manually pull the plug when you see the batteries reach 14.5 and it instantly/(eventually?) drops to 11.5 when the batteries are no longer on charge?

This is too much of a drop and not normal.

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That does not match what’s been going on so I would think what was meant was that when it was let to charge at 16.0V it quickly dropped down 3v when the charging voltage was removed. That’s my take anyways.

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Hello sir, hope all well with you. Since my last post, I am following the same procedures to charge the batteries. Just to give you a quick reference and to let you know the topic, the cart is GEM e4 2005 with just 6000 KM. The batteries are AGM 100h a year and half old. There was one battery battery went bad due to a wrong connection of a radio which was replaced after 2 months of replacing the whole 6 batteries. Accordingly I replaced such bad battery but with (110 Ah same AGM brand but not 100Ah like the other 5 batteries). Pls note that, before replacing such bad battery, I used to get a full charge scycle till a solid green lamp. After I put the replaced (110 Amp) I started to get the 2 flashes red error. Before the charging scycle reach such error, the batteries voltage used to go up to a very serious level of 16.5v. I reported that I will monitor the charge so it doesn’t exceed 14.5 as advised by you. I have been doing that but sometimes I can’t take control of that, nevertheless, very few times I let it charge till it reaches the error ( means reached over 16.5V) which is very bad I know. I fact, this is really hard for me to monitor the charge manually not to exceed the 14.5V. When I look profoundly into the problem, I feel that the problem is because I have one battery of 110Ah and the other 5 of 100Ah which co fuses the charger. By the way the temperature sensor is working fine. If I have to change such 100Ah battery with a 100Ah one, is that ok while the other 5 batteries are now one and half years old, or I must change all of them to be with same age? Many thanks for your assistance and warm regards

Thanks fro the review.
It looks like it has been a very busy year for you.

As a general practice, mixing battery types/age/conditions is never a good idea and usually leads to frustration more than success.

I would evaluate your batteries with a full pack check. Load test all 6 and note their condition. Age (1.5 years old) is not a real factor in making an informed decision.

Many thanks for your reply, ( load test all 6 and note their condition), do you mean to drive the cart for example for 10KM and take the reading of each battery or the reading from the( ±) located above the charger?. I am sorry if I didn’t understand so pls explain. I appreciate your continuous help. Kind regards