Dc Fast Charging and long range battery

I am looking into converting an old car to an electric car

But i want to have good range like about 130miles to 200 miles with dc(Level 3) charging support

I wont fast charge for too long maybe 5 - 10 min max because i want to be able to go to New York with only 1 10 min stop

I have not started so you are welcmoe to recommend other types of batteries

I see that Deep cycle batteries will give me about 30kwh of battery for about 1.7k$(using Alibaba) but my question is that if i get like 350volt of deep cycle batteries can they fast charge or is there a better alternative

Also my car wont be too big so if i get like 20 12v 10ah batteries and them continue with 200ah batteries will i have the same reliable voltage or do they all have to be the same