How do I get in touch with Dave. Does he have an email or cel
He hangs out here a lot. One post up, you will see his post.
Click on his handle [Inwo] and a window will pop up with the button to send him a PMessage.
Dave’s not here man …
2002 gem 2 seater. If the MM will work on mine I would like to purchase
Daves still not here man…
Lol, did not know
Shawn Noble
S & S .Marine
1545 Everman Pkw
Everman, TX 76140
817 980 2370
Pm @Inwo for the mm
Hey JarJarJava-
I’m new here and am trying to PM a few people. Mainly to get help and direction for which threads would help me troubleshoot my 04 Gem E4 lithium conversion. I’m replying to your post, but I’m not sure if I’m using the PM option.
Hey Ant.
Welcome to the group. There are thousands of posts in the archives and you can spend quite a bit of time prowling through all of it.
Use the Magnifying glass tool in the upper right of this page and use a variety of key words that might be related to what you are seeing/happening to your car. If you don’t find what you are looking for, try changing up your key words.
To start your own thread just hit your “c” key on your keyboard and it will open up the editor window. Type in a catchy subject line that might grab interest and select which category/group for your topic to be dropped into.
The describe what problem you are having, and include what you did to modify your car. The more details you can provide, the better your response will be.
As long as this thread is resurrected, i have a similar performance, one piece sdi battery for $2500.
Or double milege battery for $3,000
Hi Ant…
Yep you got me with a very private message.
What are you wearing?
haha…Trying to wear a DIY hat lately.
This group seems lively and helpful, so I was looking to tap into the knowledge base and see if anyone has good suggestions for threads to read or direct recommendations.
Quick summary: 2004 Gem E4. I purchased from a guy years ago and he put deep cycle marine batteries. I used casually but I could only get 3-5 miles max range so I decided to do a lithium conversion after watching youtube vids. I purchased from after talking to them on phone several times and telling them I wanted 30mi range.
I subsequently took on a house renovation so I found it easy to send it to a local golf cart shop in South Florida for install.
Gem concked out on me after going up a medium sized bridge. Sent it back to shop and they were “coordinating” with support. Now each side is pointing fingers. Cart shop says BMS needs to be recalibrated and the battery retailer says the control motor needs to be dialed down.
I don’t know enough to either tell the shop what to do or to claim warranty issue, but it does seem that the battery shop is not taking responsibility for selling me a pack that won’t put out the continuous “amps” needed.
Anyway, that’s my drama. Any guidance to members, threads or personal experience would be appreciated.
Not the shops fault it you chose Big Battery.
You are not alone. Some of the Big Battery for Gem, are not even correct voltage. Being a cell short.
You need a battery that is proven to work in a Gem from a member who knows Gems.
@AssyRequired does not usually sell batteries, but I believe he found a sdi-22 for another client, who backed out.
The custom SDI in pvc box pictured above will do 30 miles, but I’m not sure about fitment in the space available. I built it to fit in front, but don’t have an early Gem to test fit.
Bahaa haa ha…
That is some funny stuff right there.
You are in the wrong group for that advice/instruction. Where is the fun in that??
Inwo - but don’t have an early Gem to test fit.
Oh, shoot. That’s what I forgot this weekend. Let me run a call or two.