Camber on 2003 GEM

New shocks, wheel bearing, bushings, and king pins. Why do I still have so much positive camber?

Do you have any threads on your tie rod ends? If so tighten down on them and it should pull them in a bit

You have WAY to much toe in. zero to 1/8 is right.

Negative camber is caused by too much toe out.

Is it possable that your NEW SHOCKS. Are not factory In length. Longer shocks even by 3/4 of a inch will give you a Camber like what you have shown in the photos above

I got them from The Thing Shop. Suppose to be HD replacements. I had the problem before the new shocks.

I have plenty of threads left on the tie rod ends. I’ll try that tomorrow.

My guess is your new HD shocks are just a bit longer then stock. The 1999-2003 are very sensitive to shock length. 1 inch to long you have what your experiencing 1 inch to short OR worn out shock bushings and you have Negative camber. Sorry I do t know what the fix would be except to return your HD shocks for some Stock replacement shocks I have bought Adjustable stock replacment shocks from NEV acessories and they were the perfect length.

Here is a picture of the NEV shocks I’m talking about.

I had the positive camber problem before the new shocks. I purchased mine from NEV as well and they said that the new shocks would be the correct length. The new shocks are adjustable as well.

13 1/4 inches center to center is stock length. TOO MUCH TOE IN OR OUT is the biggest factor in camber negative or positive. If toe is right and camber doesn’t change when going forward OR backward. you can shim the spindles . Thin washers for minor thick washers for major.

It’s hard to tell from the picture, but I adjusted the ■■■■ our of the right side and the camber got better. It drives better too: no more wheel hop and no more tire noise on blacktop.

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What size rims are those. I’m new to owning a gem and I am looking at rims similar to those on eBay. I want 12” rims but was worried about them running on the rear fenders. Any insight would be great.

They are 14", I bought them on eBay 3 years ago.

Hey Todd, did the shocks make a big difference in the ride? I’ve been looking at putting the same shocks on our 2000 GEM. Thanks for responding if you are still on the Forum.


Not a bit that I could tell.