Battery discharge by itself

2002 GEM 825

Checked the setting on the Zivan charger. It does has settings. It has 3 setting for Trojan batteries. I put it on the middle one.

It charges the batteries to 100%. If i let it sit there plugged in, it drains to 75% and stays there.

Even if I unplug the charger it will drain to 75%

any ideas? TThanks

When the Zivan shuts off it has to be unplugged and replugged before it will start another cycle. How long does it take the battery pack to run down? What is our range? How old is the pack? Not abnormal for older battery Pack.


from 100% to 75%,maybe 2-3 days.

My range is probably 1 hour of constant use.

2 batteries are brand new
4 batteries are 3 years old

Try shutting off main switch to see if they retain more.  You should think about changing out the other 4 batteries. 1 hour isnt bad for old batteries.

My Trojan t-1275’s do the same thing, but mine sometimes go down to 80% after a week. I unplug and plug in to top it off. My after market charger starts the cycle over when they hit a certain percentage. I think it’s normal for batteries to discharge, and when they get old they discharge faster. Also, check the water level.

Thank you but they discharge to 65 percent in 3 days now Seams excessive