Batterty chargeing

volt meter show over 12 volts each the dash shows 100 percent
now plug to the car (charger) it starts (red)led but very soon that showing a blinknking led

what goes :rolleyes:

2003 gem 2 6 months 1 3 weeks 3 werks olders
flooded nornal all show 12+ voltls

Your GEM should use the Zivan NG1 72 volt charger. The manual can be downloaded. Is the flashing light accompanied by a warning sound?

If it does, that means the voltage is out of range. Look for the master disconnect open or loose battery cables. Charge each battery one at a time with a 12 volt charger. Then plug in the on board charger to see if it works. If not, the charger may need to be serviced. Electric Conversions is the US distributor for Zivan chargers. All four of our GEMs have needed the charger to be serviced once. This also involves a programming update. We have had no trouble with any of the chargers since they were serviced. The cost for this is reasonable. A charger that has been serviced can be identified by a label “micro upgraded.”


A charger that has been serviced can be identified by a label “micro upgraded.”
[B]it has [/B]

Here is where it gets confusing: If the charger has been upgraded, the indicator should flash red after it has been running for a while. Then it will turn yellow and start flashing as the charge approaches full. It is remotely possible that your buzzer is not working. To test this, open the master switch and then plug in the charger. You should get a flashing red light and the buzzer sound if the switch is open.

A red flash along with a buzzer sound means voltage out of range.
A red flash without a buzzer sound is normal on an upgraded charger.
