Thanks for the info, I will put batteries back in it and see what’s happening wiht the display and voltage on pins, and get back with results.
I have a T1 that is programmed from R4F I can let go. Worked just fine when I took it out.
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I was too late for the “free” T1 controller but I’m also looking for one. dthsmarsh is ahead of me but I’m interested in another “free or almost free” T1 controller. I can be reached at makomarkos at yahoo dot com
makomarkos … I think that one was the unicorn as the cheapest I’ve seen is $400 for someone to rebuild yours or $200 for a used one.
dthsmarsh…In my GEM universe unicorns are REAL! Maybe we’ll get lucky…Keep the faith amigo!
I like your optimism! I guess stranger things have happened so keep the faith!