I’m looking for a driver that works for gem e 825 IC3645SH7R353T1, is there one for sale?
I’ll drive you. How much do you pay per hour and do I really need the limo license?
And T1 = double rate/
For Sentry sw? I made them in the past and can send one for $150.
Over priced but convenient. Pm for diy instructions.
I also am confused by this request.
Perhaps you can expand by telling us what you are trying to do?
What is your car status?
Are you looking for a T1 controller for your car?
Are you looking for a MDB file so you can Program your T1?
Are you looking for comm Cable?
I remember back at the beginning of the year you were looking for parts to swap out a T1 to a T2 into your car. How did this work out?
yes i am looking for a T1 or T2 controller for my auto gem e825
I have a T1 available
@Recharged Just an FYI, Nestor is in central or south america, he owns what may be the only gem car in the country. At the time he and i talked, the controller was considered a technology import despite being over 20 years old, and was going to create a lot of paperwork and tarrifs for him.
He seemed like a really good guy, just was not a feasible sale or import at the time. I no longer have any T2s, I’d revommend reaching out via PM if you want to sell it and see whay if anything has changed to cut the ted tape.
Got it. Thanks for the info
Of course you do kiddo… /rolleyes