2023 GEM E6 SOC is missing

Menu display state of charge is missing. Delta q charger, 8 6volt lead acid batteries. Can someone help me get my state of charge display back. Not that it will do me any good, about a month ago, 100 percent, fresh off the charger that had run it’s course, about an hour and a half later I’ve been pretty steady, giving rides and I’m stopped to grab a drink. I start her back up, I’m assuming about 80 to 85 per cent. As I look at the bars on the menu I pull away and as I throttle, the car bucks and goes dead. Turn key off then back on, it comes to life again only this time I’m fully charged as my bars are full. Help is there a Byron who is an exceptional cart tech and just a plethora of knowledge. Anyway I had read about resetting values and wondered why would you? IDK. But when rebooted my bars on the menu told me 100 percent. I had driven it 1 and a half hours how the heck. My CO workers say just drive it and don’t worry but I’m the one changing these things out when we balloon batteries. I want to gain some insight so we don’t make any mistakes. I’ve got 6 e6 carts with different batteries and motor sizes ranging from 2013,14 18,19 and 23. Anyway all the help I can get would be greatly appreciated

Bad battery or connection.
Also make sure 12v battery is good.
12v battery powers bmc.

Thank you for the advice. I will check and keep you updated

[quote=“Leejohn, post:1, topic:28259, full:true”]
Menu display state of charge is missing. Delta q charger, 8 6volt lead acid batteries. Can someone help me get my state of charge display back. Not that it will do me any good, about a month ago, 100 percent, fresh off the charger that had run it’s course, about an hour and a half later I’ve been pretty steady, giving rides and I’m stopped to grab a drink. I start her back up, I’m assuming about 80 to 85 per cent. As I look at the bars on the menu I pull away and as I throttle, the car bucks and goes dead. Turn key off then back on, it comes to life again only this time I’m fully charged as my bars are full. Help is there a Byron who is an exceptional cart tech and just a plethora of knowledge. Anyway I had read about resetting values and wondered why would you? IDK. But when rebooted my bars on the menu told me 100 percent. I had driven it 1 and a half hours how the heck. My CO workers say just drive it and don’t worry but I’m the one changing these things out when we balloon batteries. I want to gain some insight so we don’t make any mistakes. I’ve I’m got 6 e6 carts with different batteries and motor sizes ranging from 2013,14 18,19 and 23. Anyway all the help I can get would be greatly appreciated. I checked the 12 volt battery and it is 12.42. good? So now I’ve lost the bars on the menu display. Help!

When you measured your little battery, was that with KeyON or at rest? (sitting overnight).

When you plug in to charge can you tell if the car is actually charging the main pack?
Measure V on your main pack (at rest/not plugged in).
When plugged in and charging, can you see the CHARGER display?(not the dash display). What does it show?

The little battery was at rest and the key was off, also the main pack was 51.8 and it has been charging. Through all this we lost the bars on the graph and plugging the charger on didn’t help bring it back but just as strange after parking for ten minutes, the bars came back but still no soc. I should mention that this was all done after the charger had completed the charging cycle and batteries I’m assuming we’re approx 100 per cent. Graph was full but still no soc. This being our newest car I am watching closely as I don’t want any problems like we’ve had with others. Is there any reflashing of memory to bring back the items in the menu that seem deleted?

Try disconnecting the Aux battery for a couple mins then reconnect.

Make sure connections to the the BMC are clean/tight.

Will I lose any information in memory like odometer mileage?

I go into work today at 3 and I’ll try this. Thank you so much, Along with the key on push button, right, left that I just found again