Has anyone figured out how to increase the speed on the new Gems there must be some kind of spoof
IMS has a 40mph video reading 20mph.
Are all the new style Gems ac/48v cars?
So far a speed spoof has not worked. Only tried two things so far. See if IMS will let it slip!
They do gear changes, but not double speed, I’m sure.
Thanks for the response Guess I wont be buying one till someone figures it out and lets the rest of us in on it
thanks for responding I guess I wont be buying one until someone figures it out and shares
why they dont change display to km/h it must be better and show higher speed ?
Spoke to a service manager at a Gem dealership he told me that he has done 2 gear changes on the new Gems Increase speed to 42 miles /hour $1300 speedometer reads 25mph eaven he can not get into the electronics without permission and monitoring from Polaris
42-25 almost perfect