2013 Shock Replacement

I replaced the front shocks from NEV, without realizing that the shocks were about an inch shorter. There really isn’t any documentation about what you have or what you are buying.
Changed the geometry enough that when backing up, if I let go of the wheel it would go all the way to full turned. Driving forward the GEM would follow the crown in the road. Not really unusable, just quicker steering. I’m sure the 2" spacers on the front exaggerate the effects
Replacing the rear, also NEV, also shorter, returned everything to normal

Eye to eye spacing is so important. Maple if your stock shock is 13 inches and you get a be fancy shock that’s 12-1/2 that is a Huge move in the wrong direction. Some gems even 1/2 of an inch shorter in the front will make a big loss in performance. Because the early gems 99-2003 had a Single A-arm the shock length is crucial. The later gems with double a arms not so much but also very important

Bought the supposedly stock replacement shocks $100+ each from NEV & included the year & model, but they sold me something else. I’m left with less travel & a slightly better ride, only because the dampers are minimally functional
I’m not in a hurry to jump through my own arsehole to return & I’m not finding alternatives other than get something custom for $600-800 each
None of the specs are available, its a state secret or something…
My butt says over sprung, underdamped, stroke too short [both stock & replacement]
I have seen the different threads, no real usable information, beyond call pro circuit or whatnot