2013 gem e4 service manual

Looking for a service manual for a 2013 gem e4.

Manual sent . . . . . . . . .

would it be possible to get a copy of the 2013 service manual as well. Thanks for all you do! KtJeff

Sure, But I’m going to need your email to send it.

What? You mean those mail order “Learn telepathy & mind reading” dvds were a scam?

jeffhensley1231@yahoo.com. Thank you

would it be possible to get a copy of the 2013 E4 service manual
thanks Jr


Now you caught on. Stand by…

Hey, Numnuts. How about helping a guy out. Seems all you do is sell stuff.
This forum sucks!

Not you too!!
The only third grader allowed in this bad boy club is JarJar.

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