2010 GEM dead only Beeps no display

Only beeps when Pbrake released, good battery’s 72v actual 76v, I’m tech savvy component level repair, control pcb appears clean, good fuses, no disintegrated runs or corrosion, grounding eyelets reseated, key switch, direction switch, pbrake micro switch reaction, but no contactor thump sounds, appears to be lacking 12v from reducer intergrated charger, any experts wanna chime in?

You seem to know that there is no 12v.
If there is battery voltage to DQ, there should be 12v available.

No 12v This 2010 GEM has Ford Think style DeltaQ 922-7200 with intergrated 12v reducer, everything looks virgin nobody touched it since new. I might have to send DeltaQ to FSIP for rework…

Most older GEM’s are plauged with bad grounds from catalyst reaction of the aluminum frame

Here’s the Ford Think deltaQ with intergrated 12v reducer, unfortunately the connector is different otherwise i’d swap, notice similar model number

GEM should of stayed with Think LSV wiring, notice no lousy grounds to frame, no extra control pcb and no extra BS connecters.

on Gem 2010 they use 12volt on parkbrake sound so DC/DC looks fine

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