2006 Gem lift kit

Do you have a link? And some popcorn.

It looks like the post got taken down. I’ll try to summarize I guess Dustin has his own FB page. He posted pics of Kendals lift kit installed incorrectly, on his FB page, after several back-and-forths Kendal responded in-kind. With his own version of like 10 or more damning, text, messages between him and the macintoshes, Yes even Ms mackintosh got in the scrum. iE confessions/accusations of Dustins improprieties. It was pretty entertaining reading.
Well Bob from R4F came in and killed the Thread and told both “Builders” as he referred them to play nice in the sandbox.

When will Kendal reply? I don’t think you will find anyone here deleting threads :slight_smile:

Is Dustin on here?
More and more complaints are coming to light.

I’m just seeing your comment Grant. I know Dustin is your guy and that’s cool. His BS attempt to post a sabage pic of my lift kit didn’t work. Those arent the bolts I use, missing spacers, etc. To date, ive sold over 2400 lift kits at $1.6M in sales in 3yrs. I’ve sold these to customers throughtout thr USA, Mexico, US Territories, S. America, Russia, Canada, Europe and Thailand. My lift kits have been tested and proven. Now has every single installation been easy…nope. There’s some terrible builds from the manufacturers that didn’t have complete welds on mounts, different bracketing and bolts used for the same year and model, etc. However, I stand behind what I manufacture and have helped each and every customer until completion. If they couldnt figure it out then either myself or I flew one of my installers to them to get the job done. Anything else I need to entertain for you?

Hey Kendal" I don’t know where your getting your Info when you say "I’m just seeing your comment Grant. I know Dustin is your guy and that’s cool"
Fact: I have zero relationship with that Dude! He is in NO way “my guy”

I swear, Grant is straight! :rofl:

JarJar is the one with questionable browser history we are worried about.

Dont’t you know it sugartits.

Well I reached out to Kendal To straighten out any kind of Dustan/Grant West collaboration and it’s been Crickets on his end So as far as I’m concerned I’ll put them both in the IDK crew.