2005 GEM e4 - battery options

Wait… You actually own a GEM?

Shush! Top secret project.

Meh. You had the other thread deleted.

You’re dead to me now frodo

I just did that on my e4. Not sure how to interpret the results. Here’s what I got:
Fully charged #1, 12.62V #2, 12.66V #3, 12.67V #4, 12.66V #5, 12.67V #6, 12.10V
Down 2 bars #1, 12.16V #2, 12.16V #3, 12.26V #4, 12.25V #5, 12.28V #6, 12.32V
Down 3 bars #1, 11.96V #2, 12.06V #3, 12.16V #4, 12.15Vl #5, 12.13V #6, 12.24V
No, that #6 reading is not a typo. It increased +0.22V after driving. Total fully charged was 75.38V, after down 2 bars was 73.43V, and after down 3 bars was 72.70V. I forgot to check odometer but I think I drove it about 6 miles. I may check #6 again after full recharge.

Lead acid batteries?

You should equalize them next time you charge. Those numbers should all be much closer.

If your charger doesn’t have an equalize function, do back to back charge cycles.

Then drive the cart.

You should equalize lead acid batteries about once every 7 -10 charge cycles.

Don’t think my built-in DeltaQ charger has an equalize function. If it does, I don’t have any idea of how to do it. For back to back charge cycles, what, you just fully charge, then unplug, then plug in again to charge more? Thanks for the info! Tell me more!

I’m not aware of a built in equalize cycle on the DQ for lead batteries. Maybe if you had a programmer and changed profiles back and forth, but that would be a pain, even with the programmer.

So, yes, just unplug, wait a moment and plug back in. If it goes to “done” immediately, unplug, turn the headlights on for 5 minutes or drive back and then forward 2-3 feet. Then plug in again

Equalize is a fancy way of saying overcharge for lead acid batteries. Gives the lagging cells in the pack a chance to catch up.

Thanks! Will give it a try.

B#, Full - (-2 Bars) - (-3 Bars)
#1, 12.62V - 12.16V - 11.96V (-.66)
#2, 12.66V - 12.16V - 12.06V (-.60)
#3, 12.67V - 12.26V - 12.16V (-.51)
#4, 12.66V - 12.25V - 12.15V (-.51)
#5, 12.67V - 12.28V - 12.13V (-.54)
#6, 12.10V - 12.32V - 12.24V (+.14)

Nice data logging!

It looks like #6 could use a boost with an external charger. See if you can get it up to the 12.66 start V like the rest of the batteries before your next test. It’s weird that it is picking up a stray charge as you are running. Is this one a different age?

#1 batt is hurt. #2 is not that great either. 12v is considered fairly dead. Don’t let it go below this. This log clearly shows how a bum battery continues to hurt itself while the others will still carry the car. Total on the pack at this point is still 72.7(no load) so it will still power up the car but it probably won’t be happy.