2002 e825 bearing size?

I have a 2002 e825 4 seater with a 3.5HP GE motor. I believe the original gear ratio is about 10:1, or something like that. Anyway, I am looking for the OD of the bearings on the input shaft and the intermediate shaft which is next in line. I want to grab some arbor shims before we tear it back down looking for the noise… Just in case. Don’t want to drive to the mechanic’s place (23 miles one way) and find out we need em.

If you know the OD of those bearings, please share.

I may have some spares or trade numbers written down. I’ll look tomorrow.

Thanks man… I really want to possibly replace the ones I have if necessary… but it seem that I might need to do some shims according to the mechanic… Could be the gears are too deep into each other…

I’ve never worked with aftermarket gears in the Dana/Spicer GEM gearboxes so I can’t say what you may be dealing with.

Have you taken feeler gauge reads or a mesh check with the (usially blue) spray dye?

Its funny, maybe only as far back as 5 years ago, some of us would still be jockeying for position to trade you a 14.75 or 17:-- for your 10.35. For all around use, ballance between top end speed and launch torque, the 10.35 was really hard to beat. 42mph without bogging coming off the line was easily dooable with it.

We haven’t done anything past the first time we put the gears in and I drove it a few thousand feet. My mechanic has been busy with projects and the holidays… The reason I want to those shims is a just in case thing… We will probably tear it back down in a couple of weeks so if those shims are needed I want to have them on hand so we don’t tear it all down and find out we need them and then have to wait for them to come in and then another time slot I can get him available.

I didn’t even know they made a 17. That would have been even better for me. The 14.75 gears are the best I could find… Now that has turned into a hassle, but we will work thru it.

AFIK, the 17’s are in the new Gen4 Cars. They use a totally different gearbox/case. I don’t think the gear sets swap between the two.

Yep. You are correct. I had a brain fart and momentarily forgot the 12.44. The 12.44 was in the later e2, e4 & eL. The 14.76 was in the e6 and eL XD.
When I skipped the 12, somehow I stuck the 14.76 in the regular gems and went to the next ratio up for the heavy duty gems.

For the 2002 e825 with a 3.5HP GE motor, the input shaft bearing is typically 62mm OD, and the intermediate shaft bearing is around 52mm OD.

Thank you so much… I just need to order shims now…