Being the pragmatist I am, I think that for most of the folks in India, the anticipation of driving an EV is probably pretty low on their list.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to be Debbie Downer here, but one really needs to look at the facts on the true state of their country.
Over 300,000,000 (three hundred million) people do not have access to electricity in India. That’s basically the entire population of our country, U.S.A., without access to electricity! Not to mention the fact that many of those that do have power have unreliable service.
If memory serves, there was a blackout back in 2012 or so that put half of their country in the dark with 20 out of 28 states without power.
Although India has a pretty extensive road network, some 3.4 million miles or so, it only has around 60% of them paved, leaving much of the country with roads that are very difficult to travel during the monsoon season.
But, pragmatically speaking, India’s problems are much greater than their infrastructure shortcomings.
Of the developed countries in the world, the water problem in India is worse than most others.
As many as 100 million Indian’s are forced to pay high prices for waters from water sellers or drink contaminated water, often with chemicals and sewage traces, all because they don’t have unfettered access to clean water.
India also has over 190 million people that are malnourished.
Over 2/3rds of the inhabitants of India still cook over open flame, the majority of these use cow dung. The indoor air pollution is a real problem there, not to mention the unsanitary cooking conditions.
These reasons, and numerous others, would compel me, if I were the average Indian, to strive for many many other things before I truly aspired for an Electric Car.
So, although you and I are interested in the increased production and consumption of EV’s, albeit quite possibly for different reasons, the hopes that India could be a “game changer” in the EV industry, other than possibly Tata manufacturing a ton of their Pixel and MegaPixel cars and selling em here en masse, are probably just that… Hopes.