Trying to charge a 2017 geme6 with Honda in inverter while driving any suggestions

Trying to charge on the fly hybrid type of setup
Has anyone done this?

I guess you could bypass the interlock so the charger would work while driving… but why? The Goliath pack @Inwo has will give you an insane range… Say 100 miles. Get the pack you need to match your usage. Are you really running more than that in a day? And if you’re going to do that, why not just get a gas cart?

Only reason I could think of where this would make sense if you were running some type of concession cart and you needed to power refrigerators, ice machines, etc.

And, if you install JATO, your regen power recovery will be amazeballs!


Never tried it but assuming you want to power a DeltaQ, you’ll be adding 18A and your car cruising will be pulling over 100a and peaking at over 300A

As Earnie said, Interlock has to be bypassed or it won’t work

Tbh I don’t think it will be the most efficient way to power a Gem and I wouldn’t recommend it.
Gas Engine → DC → AC → DC again

Maybe you can tell us your idea? What kind of batteries do you have? What kind of range are you looking to achieve ?

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bypass interlock and put it in Turf mode and you might notice a few more miles but in Turf mode you’ll get more than double the range anyways. In normal road mode you’re pulling 70-100A cruising 25-30MPH and a Honda 2000i can even come close to that.

I have Lithium batteries that will do 100+ miles in a 2017 Gem, easy.

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