Trunkback upper foam rubber bumpers

The bushings are on the swing arms. They are rubber dampened. You can get replacements from NEVA, but pressing them out and the new ones in is a mother f’er. Even with 10ton press, oxy-ac torch and dry ice it was a pain

Not sure if the 08 s that Trip is scraping have the extra swing like the 11 illustration shows. My '10 El is still solid rear, just better designed.

Should be illustrations here:

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Yes- there will be rubber bushings at the frame pivots. But I doubt they provide any flex. The offroad guys call this articulation. Too much of it is actually not good for street use (study Grants efforts on this)

It is easier to picture it all if you have the trunk and spat off.

I’ll send you a few pics of mine if you want to see it all together. I am right there and I should check. Just for fun and notes. It probably won’t be much, but better than the swinging gate.

But we are branching from your original topic. Perhaps it is better to start a new one?

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I’ve now seen the “swinging gate” setup, the next step which was to just replace the straight arms with bushinged arms and then the full multi-armed and bushinged setup. I googled and found the 2008 have the full 4 arm setup so was surprised to hear jrjava has the ‘swinging gate’ on his `10 model. Maybe it’s a truck.

Maybe a new thread should be started we can call it “Fixing the Swinging Gate rear suspension or Not”

I might also be confused at this point The bed has to come off for me to fix the battery fuses, so I’ll have an opportunity for lots of pictures.

My 02 has the same single swing arm, single pivot point design but it has 4 rear shocks. Can’t remember if it was even in the book or not

My 02 has the same single swing arm, over pivot point design but it has 4 rear shocks. Can’t remember if it was even in the book or not

I’ve seen that somewhere too.

Looks like quad rears are in the manual. Page 7 (page 15 according to the PDF viewer)

Nice find Jrjava! That was one I did not have in my library yet.

At least I have that going for me…

Hi i send you manual 4 rear shocks

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Thanks @Gem_e2 .

Looks like the old 4 shock eL were prone to frame cracks rather than swing arm / subframe cracks. Sigh.

Lovely. I just live for outdoor Tig welding…

Lovely. I just live for outdoor Tig welding…

That’s why God created spool guns.

Just wondering why I bothered creating the other thread if you guys are just going to keep posting here… FYI - 2002 - Fixing the 'Swinging Gate' rear suspension, or Not - #7 by jrjava

Spool gun is just as prone to losing its shield gas in the wind…

Hi- Current me here posting a message back to past me. I found the info I was looking for.
Funny how that AFTER a problem is solved, I find some pics of the latch assembly.
I add them here/now just for archive purposes in case the future me (or others) visiting this topic would like a reference.

Linksback latch1

Linksback latch2

Linksback latch3

Linksback latch4

If future me checks in here I’d like to know how a few things worked out. Contact me…


Did you notice the pictured turn-buckle was also opened on one side? The drawing/diagram doesn’t show that but it has to be opened at some point to install it. As noted on my solution, I closed it and the 1/8" or so of slack was removed and my latch worked again.

Good to have those pics and drawing though, thanks.

my extra padding solution quieted mine down for a few weeks but I must have damaged one of the bottom rubber feet because it started rattling again and as you noted, a rubber foot broke through the bottom and the piece walked up and out of the socket and rattles like crazy. Searching for a cane tip to replace them with now.