I have a 2003 E-825.
It was to run to about 21/22 mph
I saw some posting from Marlon ( wmgrd )
He says he can help Gem Drivers get some speed
I contacted him.
He will loan you a programmer and then he will help get your programmer updated.
He ships it to my house. Then Step to steps via the cell phone.
I got it and really helped me through it
like i said about 21/22mph turf about 17 mph
Now steady 35 mph turf 2mph 1. It takes off a rocket now
he is great guy
I will ship the programmer back to him on Monday.
bottom cost about $45
It is like new car.
Thanks Marlon again.
call him 1 619 247 4044
He can help you other problems
Earl Halle
New port richey