Rim Size

I have 15 inch wheels on my Gem car and will be needing tires soon. Can i go down to 14 inch tires and still use the same rims? Also will the smaller tire affect the speedometer reading?

Tnks guys for the info.


[quote=k2at;31391]I have 15 inch wheels on my Gem car and will be needing tires soon. Can i go down to 14 inch tires and still use the same rims? Also will the smaller tire affect the speedometer reading?

Tnks guys for the info.


A 14 inch tire will not fit a 15 inch rim and visa versa. Are you wanting a shorter tire? I mean one that is not as big around? A smaller diameter tire will raise the rpm of the motor giving a slightly quicker take off but lower top end to put it simply. A 22 inch dia. will rotate approximately 917 times in a mile. A 21 inch dia. tire will rotate aprox. 960 times in a mile. Why do you want to change tire size?

That is what I thought. I guess I will stick with the 15 inch tires. Can’t see investing in new rims. Good question as to y change. Just thought that the 15 inch tires raised the Gem too much. Not interested in more or less top end as the Gem goes about 35 mph now top end with the 7 1/2 HP and I am not interested in speed. Usually ride, in the Villages, Florida at between 28 and 32 MPH.

I suggest if you are not real savvy when it comes to mechanical stuff then it would be best to stay with stock parts and not change things. I think I know how to work on cars and the like and still make wrong decisions when it comes to modifications. Thing is I am pretty good at changing it back if I haven’t cut it up too badly. One of my mantras is … “I learn from my mistakes…I know exactly when I have done it again.”

I bought the Gem with 15 inch wheels so will take ur advice and leave things as they are. " Don’t fix it if it is not broken".
