Riding The Storm Out (Sandy)

Wishing everyone in the path of Sandy (like me) is safe and suffers no losses. It looks to be a rough one due to wind & storm surge. I have my reserve generator fuel ready to go. My daughter lives right on the Hudson in NYC Soho area and I am much more worried about her than myself since were much further from shore. She walked to work this morning as all the trains are stopped. She sent a picture and the streets were empty. Erie looking. The tide is unusually high right now due to the moon phases. Were expecting record high tides all along the shore. It hasn’t even gotten to shore and readings and flooding have already surpassed hurricane Irene. If I am absent around here in the next few days it will be due outages in my area.
Good luck my friends! See ya on the other side! :yo:

The trees are up, the house is down, all is well.